I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post to the blog. I've undergone four major surgeries in the last 16 months-two on my right shoulder. The first shoulder surgery went awry and I had to be immobile for 10 weeks only to discover it was actually going to be seven months. I had a second shoulder surgery and that went spectacularly well; and I'm still in the recovery and physical therapy stages following it. Just now able to sit at the computer for any length of time more than five minutes.
Because of my surgeries and recoveries, there haven't been many adventures to report or any new training endeavors for Cinder. We've just been hanging out together as BFF's, honing some things she already knew and solidifying our relationship. She continues to enjoy swimming and playing "flyer" (Frisbee); and harrassing her uncles. However, we did recently have one very big adventure for us both. Since she has a FB page of her own, she's shared it there; and I'll post the stories she shared about her big adventure separately from this.
Hopefully, as I have time and increasing ability to be online, I'll be more consistent about posting items here, on the blog. Hope all is well with those of you who do follow the blog; and we hope to hear from you too!
Be well and be good to yourself and others!