Cinder's got a half-sister, Wolfie, that lives on a sheep farm in Michigan. Cinder and Wolfie live very different lives, but share their various adventures and other tidbits on their Facebook pages. This story is Cinder's telling of going to visit Wolfie on her farm.
June 28, 2016
June 28, 2016
As told by Cinder on her Facebook page:
Hu-mom getted the BCB (Border Collie Bus) all fixeded for us so I beez most comfortable and safe for long, long, long ride. It beed ‘bout 175 miles (I not know ‘bout miles) away and ‘posed to be only ‘bout 3-4 hours in BCB. I kinda know hours cuz we gots schedules and I know hours cuz I know when it beez time to do stuffs, like take care of Ebbie horse or eat. Hu-mom maked everything in BCB night afore we leaved cuz we leaved really early-afore the sun even waked up. We beed in hurry to see Wolfie and Cookie and Bear and their hu-mom, Emilie-and SHEEPS! I not never goed for such long ride afore either and Hu-mom not thinked I beed able do long ride and not stop so she thinked we stop sometimes and gets out. We beed on road ‘bout maybe a while just leave our home area cuz guess why?- ‘STRUKSHUN everywhere! I not know what that beez but it maked Hu-mom crazy! Strukshun beez something bout road that maked us go very slow for long ways, LOTS of times. Then, I heared Hu-mom beez aggervaded and she sayed, “Cinder, we’re gonna take a break afore I start driving through barrels and cones and go off-road and cross-country because it would be faster.” We taked break then and I getted out and seed we beed somewhere I never beed afore. We goed little walk and getted drinks; then we drived more.
Just when we beed going good, guess what? MORE STRUKSHUN and now “detour” too. I not knowed what “detour” beed, but it maked Hu-mom crazier than strukshun and she sayed, “Jiminy this is crazy and we’re already way later than I wanted.” Finally, we getted almost to Wolfies and guess what? Yep, MORE strukshun that maked us stop and go and stop and go-just when we almost beed there. Then, I heared Hu-mom, “Cinder! We’re almost there cuz we’re on Wolfie’s road!”
Just after that, we beed at Wolfie’s house! Hu-mom beed so glad we finally getted there and me too cuz that beed almost lunch time and that beed way longer trip than it ‘posed to beez. We thinked it beed better if we goed back whole other way when we goed home cuz we goed back on big, big roads but it beed almost the same cuz strukshen beed every road that way too! Just to visit at Wolfie’s farm taked a long, long, long time, but it beed okay. That beez end of first story. I not like how long it taked cuz I beed bored mostly, but I dood good cuz I sleeped lots. Next part, I tells you ‘bout seeing Wolfie-sis first time ever and some stuff she showeded me.
Part 2: The
Arrival & Meeting:
When we FINALLY getted at Wolfie’s I getted out of BCB and beed glad to
see we beez at a farm! We stopped places
that beed in city and I not like them much so I beed glad it beed a farm! After we dood things (you know what we dood,
I not tell that part), I meeted Emilie, Wolfie’s hu-mom. I LIKE Emilie-mom, she beed really, really,
really nice and she loved on me and telled me I beed “sweet” and like
that. Then, I seed…WOLFIE-and Cookie and
Bear too. They beed dooding sheep stuff
when we getted there so they not beed so nosey ‘bout me as I beed ‘bout
them. But Emilie-mom getted Wolfie to
come see me.

Emilie-mom beed in with sheeps cuz she gived them medcines and shots. Wolfie dood herd work and I beed on long leash to watch cuz I not dood know ‘bout sheeps and herding. I just beed watch Wolfie and the sheeps. Wolfie dood mostly good work and sometimes sheeps dart around and I seed Wolfie try maked them mind her. Sometimes Emilie-mom telled her dood stuff and she dood it. I getted little bored cuz I beed on leash so Hu-mom letted me off leash. Guess what I dood then? I goed and getted in BCB cuz I beed hot, bored, and thirsty. Hu-mom gived me drink and then she goed back to sheeps so I goed back too.
I watcheded Wolfie and then, I thinked maybe we cood play little, but Hu-mom called me back cuz I not ‘posed to bother Wolfie on duty. So, I pretend I knowed what to dood with sheeps and I beed watch them too.

But that beez boring after while so I want to see what Emilie-mom dooding to sheeps in really little space called, “chute.” It not like MY chute for agility at all! It beez like a outside hallway in sheeps outside place. Emilie-mom beed dooding shots and medcines but it looky like sheeps wrestling to me! I thinked she beed sheeps wrestle and it maked me beez nosey. I getted at end of chute thingy and suddenly, sheeps start coming like they gonna ‘scape or something so I pretend I know herding and I barked at ‘em so they stop.
But then, Hu-mom and I haved to move away cuz I not ‘posed to bark at sheeps in chute cuz it maked ‘em not dood something they ‘posed to do. Emilie-mom sayed it beed okay cuz sometimes all the dogs dood that, but this not right time to dood that. I goed to BCB for ‘nother drink and wait for Wolfie to have break from work to play. I goed atween BCB and sheeps ‘til Wolfie beed freed to play. It beed a while, but that beed okay. I still not meeted Cookie and Bear cuz they beed looky at sheeps and not care ‘bout me; and cuz I beez new and Emilie-mom not want to overwhelm me. I seed them sometimes, but I not cood be near them either so nobody dood play with me when Emilie-mom beed work with sheeps. After sheeps work, both our hu-moms haved lunch. Wolfie goed in special place outside while I goed with hu-moms in house…cuz I beez a house dog. They sayed I beez, “a princess.” I not sure what that means, but I think that not beez nice as it seems! I think it beez maked fun of me. I not really care tho’. I always beez near Hu-mom cuz THAT beez MY job. I not like it when I not can see my Hu-mom cuz it make my job lots more harder. My other jobs be boss of my uncles and play flyer; and SWIM! I not gots sheeps at my farm so I not need to know herding sheeps. Asides, I thinked I beez a QUEEN cuz I makes the rules at my house! Anyway, they haved lunch and dood some stuff so I stayed in BCB while they dood some stuff. That beez all of this story for now. Next part beez I teached Wolfie about FLYERS! And how I burneded off my paw pads that maked my feets hurted really bad later.

When Hu-mom showed Wolfie
the flyer, Wolfie not never seed one afore so she not knowed it beez a fun
toy. So, Wolfie watcheded me a few
times. Then, Wolfie thinked she figgered
it out and she tried playing flyer. She
seed Hu-mom throw it and she runned and then jumpy really high and twisty
really good, but she not seed where flyer goed and missed it. Then we dood it again and she beed so bizzee
dooding tricky jumps that she not seed where flyer beed and missed it. I tried tell her she gots to looky and just
only jump when she seed it, but she haved to learn it herself. After she
stoppeded being trick jumpy queen and just run and jump plain jumps, she catched
flyer too! But she droppeded flyer on
road and not take it to hu-moms to throw again. ‘Sted, she just droppeded flyer
on road and watch it like it beed a sheeps!
I try show her she gots to take it to a hu-mom to throw for her, but she
not dood figger that part out very good.
Mostly, when she catcheded it, she droppeded it and I taked it to Hu-mom
for her. Only problem beed that when we
beed on gravel lane, I runned and slide-stoppeded lots of times and that maked
my paw pads getted skinned in the gravel; and THAT maked my feets hurted

4: “My Van, My Mom,” Meeting Others
& NO Ranger Ride:
When we goed back to house from flyer play, my feets getted sore. My front foot beed worstest and I beed little
limpy. Hu-mom thinked I need break cuz
she not knowed my feets beed skinned yet-she thinked I twisted my leg when I
skidded to get flyer. I beed curious
cuz I seed Cookie and Bear and thinked I want to meet them. Cookie beed okay. She kinda getted a little in my space and I
beed so tired and sore that I beed mean at her ‘bout it. She not beez very bold and she goed away, but
I looky at her and beed growl cuz she beed closer to Hu-mom than I want
too. I getted in trouble cuz I beed mean
at Cookie. I meeted Bear through fence
and I beed grumpy at her and her at me.
I just beed too tired and not beed in mood; and I beed hurted but
hu-moms not know how much yet cuz I only limp just a little bit cuz I not weak. I probly beez good friends with Cookie and
Bear like Wolfie if I not beez so tired and sore, but not then. I goed and getted in BCB cuz I gotted in
trouble and I not wanna beez with others when I beez in trouble.
Hu-mom comed to BCB to check on me and Wolfie comed over too. I beed mean at Wolfie cuz I thinked she gets in my BCB when I beez try to beez alone and thinked ‘bout stuff; and rest my feets. Wolfie understanded, but I not really need beez so mean. I getted in little trouble ‘bout that too. I haved bad time after we played flyer cuz I just beez too tired and too sore. Hu-mom maked me stay in crate in the house and they goed do other stuffs with other dogs and I beed rest. I beed so glad I getted some quiet time cuz I needed to rest.
Hu-mom comed to BCB to check on me and Wolfie comed over too. I beed mean at Wolfie cuz I thinked she gets in my BCB when I beez try to beez alone and thinked ‘bout stuff; and rest my feets. Wolfie understanded, but I not really need beez so mean. I getted in little trouble ‘bout that too. I haved bad time after we played flyer cuz I just beez too tired and too sore. Hu-mom maked me stay in crate in the house and they goed do other stuffs with other dogs and I beed rest. I beed so glad I getted some quiet time cuz I needed to rest.

So they thinked I should ride in Ranger with them cuz other Borders sometimes ride in Ranger. I not want to ride in Ranger. I thinked it beez a bad thingy and I not like it so I not want to get in and even cheese and cookies not make me gets in. I runned and getted in BCB and looky at Hu-mom from BCB. She keeped try gets me come and ride in Ranger but it not ever worked and both hu-moms gived up. Then both hu-moms shutted me in BCB and we three goed to big field to play. When we getted there, I finally haved to show them how much my feets hurted. I beed more limpy and I not want to chase flyer like usual. Finally, I getted so bad, I not know which feets to hold up cuz they all hurted. Hu-moms looky at my legs and feet and they both beed surpriseded how my feets beed all red. So, we goed back to house. It beed dark then so hu-moms goed in and talked a little and getted ready for bed. We goed to bed and I beed glad cuz I beed so tired and my feets beed so sore.
In morning, we getted awake early and beed quiet ‘til
Emilie-mom comed down and we knowed she beed wake. We all eated breakfast and stuff. I thinked my feets beed more sore than night
afore and I not really even want to go potty cuz I not want to walk. Hu-moms called me “princess” and beed really
nice, but I just layed down while they eated and talked. Then it beed time to go. I really, really like Emilie-mom and Wolfie;
and even Cookie and Bear but I beed so glad when Hu-mom sayed we beed ready for
home. I missed Hu-dad and uncles too so
I beed ready for home.
That beez all the stories ‘bout my visit with Wolfie. I haved big adventure. Hu-mom sayed I dood mostly good cuz we beed
in BCB for long, long ride; I meeted Emilie-mom, Wolfie, and sheeps; we played
flyer with Wolfie; we sleeped over in strange place… I dood pretty good
mostly. I just beed little bit mean but
I just beed too tired and sore so I not would beez mean if I getted to visit
longer or my ride there beed shorter like it ‘posed to beez without strukshun
and detours.
When I getted home, I beed so glad to see Hu-dad and
uncles. Hu-dad huggeded me with lots of
big hugs and when he finded out ‘bout my
feets hurted so bad, he maked me feeled gooder. He carried me back in house when I beed done
outside cuz my feets hurted so bad I not want to walk back in house. I beed rest and now, my feets feel gooder
~The End.
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